Wednesday 27 December 2017

My Haj Experience & Tips!

Haj Experience & Tips

Assalamualaikum Everyone!

Back again at blogging after being hiatus for a long while. I have a few good reasons.
1. I went for my hand surgery.
2. I went for my first ever Haj trip.
3. I got quite ill.

But I am back now and 2 blog posts up recently! YAY!

As I mentioned, I went for my Haj trip and I want to share with you some of what I wish I know more before I went. Basically, everything that could make your trip better, smoother and to its fullest potential. 

Disclaimer: I am in no way a religious preacher or teacher. All I'm giving is just advice based on my own experience. Know that everyone's experiences are different. 

What you need to know

Haj Application with MUIS.

The waiting list is long and getting longer each year. I applied about 7 years ago. During my application, the wait list was about 5 years. The waiting list now is about 50 years (10 times longer). If you think you are only 21 and it is too early to decide, think again. 
Singapore quota for Visa to enter Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is less than 1,000. We du'a that the quota will be increased significantly once the upgrading in Mecca is done. But for now... Start applying.


The cost to perform pilgrimage in Singapore is increasing every year. When I paid for my parents in 2014, it was about $12,500 per person for a 29 days trip. I went for a 20 days trip this year and it cost me $13,300 per person. Thats a significant increase. 

Know your needs

When I say, know your needs, it means what you need, not what you want. You have to understand that you will not be near the Kaabah during your Ihram period. You will be staying in a shared bedroom with 3 other people of the same gender and share a toilet. Therefore, you have to be fast and patient, especially as everyone have to use the toilet to take wudhu, shower etc. What I needed was a toilet of my own as I have toilet issues and may make others feel disrupted if I'm in the toilet for too long. Therefore, I paid an additional $1000 each to have a room with my husband. Just the two of us. Of course, we have to know and follow the dos and don'ts of Ihram.

Go for your classes

If you have been to Umrah before, the deal is about the same, except that you are wearing your Ihram longer, you are visiting Arafah, Mudzalifah and also Jamrah. These are the challenging ones.
Therefore, you should seek clarification for any uncertainties that you may have.

Getting yourself ready

This is extremely important. Get your jabs at least one month before you go. 
1. Get the Flu jab and the Meningococcal (this is compulsory). 
2. Take vitamins supplement at least 3 months before you go. 
3. Drink lots of Vitamin C (Berocca or Rexodon)
4. Exercise, a lot of walking is required. Start slow, if you have not exercised in a long time like me.
Make sure you are able to walk up to 5km comfortably.

There are going to be people from all over the world, and a total of up to 5 million people in one place. There tend to be viruses around that you may catch. Get your body well prepared for it and fight against it.

For women, who are still menstruating, if the date of your travel falls within your periods, do go to the doctors to get medication for your menses to be delayed. Do know that it is not 100% delayed. Ultimately, it is still up to Allah.

What to bring

I had a hard time with these. This is my first time. How much clothes do I bring for a 20 days trip?
What else do I need to bring?

My first tip is, know the temperature. My Haj was extremely hot and dry. Temperature ranges from 42 degrees celsius to 50. It was 50 in Arafah. Drink plenty of water and avoid juices, soft drinks, cordial from there, they cause sore throat. 

  • Bring light clothing if the temperature is hot when you are going. Bring about 7 abaya or pant suits. When in Shisha, there are laundry services available and you can wash them there. They dry super quick!
  • Bring plenty of under garment, cotton is great or those Uniqlo's seamless one. 
  • Bring 2 sets of clothing for sleep.
  • A few set of tudongs/shawl/instant scarfs. A mini telekung and a telekung (just the top will do). The telekungs are for those days when you don't have the time to pin your scarfs. It is super handy.
  • A water bottle to refill your Zam Zam water every time. Drink as much as possible. 
  • A battery operated/chargeable hand fan with water mist (essential for Arafah). 
  • One or two power bank.
  • Sandals and slippers for going to Mosque with a plastic bag. 
  • Socks (those with rubber at the bottom is a plus as the floor in Masjidil Haram is slippery) I bought 7 as well. 
  • Hand socks
  • A pocket or sling bag friendly Quran.

Last but not least, your Niat of going there. For Allah and for Ibadah. 

Usually, the agencies that you are going with will give you a list of things to bring. There are a few that are not listed.

I hope this will help some of you who are performing your upcoming Umrah or Haj. 
If you have any clarification, please comment down below.

I will write more on what to expect during the trips and more tips, In Sha Allah.
Apologise for the lack of photos, as I did not intend to take photos for sharing, but just for memories.


Tuesday 19 December 2017

Shade Dough Lip Bait By Hanis Zalikha

Shade Dough Lip Bait By Hanis Zalikha
Long-Lasting Matte Lip Cream + Vitamin C

As'salamualaikum Lovelies.

I've heard about this via Instagram. I'm already following Haniz Zalikha because of her cute cat (bujibu - who doesn't know him?) When I saw these lip creams, i'm intrigue. Firstly because it look like Kylie's box except for a few differences and of course the name and the actual product itself.

It's not that easy getting this as they were previously not sold online. However, they are now available on Fashion Valet and Zalora MY website at RM55, which is great. 

I managed to get my hands on these four colours. As shown above, those are the colour swatches.

So Let's Talk:

Packaging is alright - sleek box and the product in a tube. Plain, but it serves the purpose. It has a nice scent as well, not too over powering. There are limited colours available for Shade Dough.

It comes with a doe foot applicator which makes it really easy to apply and to be precise.

I do not like the texture of this lip cream. It's not consistent for all, the Creme Caramel and Lotus Butter are so clumpy, application was not smooth, no doubt it is opaque, I disliked the feel of it on my lips. It feels like wax. I can tolerate the Medium Rose, which is the smoothest, and Salami. That has a smoother finish than the latter. I find the colour doesn't suit all skin tones.

Lasting power
The lip cream last for about 6-7 hours even with eating, but it suck up my lips dry, majority of the colour fell off as my lips cracked and peeled. This is with lip balm as well. I am not a fan of this lip cream. The dryness emphasis on the lines on my lips (which is sad)

I hope you find my review useful, please let me know in the comment, how I can improve on my reviews.
Until the next post people!
See ya!




Thursday 14 December 2017

Duck Matte Decisions Lip Cream


As'salamualaikum Lovelies,

Who doesn't know dUCk in Malaysia and Singapore? Most people know. It has been quite a while since they released their dUCk cosmetics - in September 2017 if I remember correctly. Nothing have caught my eyes until these babies. The Matte Decision Lip Cream, all because they are named after my favourite TV series, Gilmore Girls. 

I bought not one but two to try out, and review it, might as well.
Honest reviews as always.

They said its kiss-proof and smudge-proof. 
Let's find out!

The first colour, is of course Shy Rory. I grew up watching Gilmore Girls and Rory as a role model (only the studying and reading habits). Therefore, this is a must and its my kind of nude.

Shy Rory is more on the brownish mauve. Perfect on all skin shades I dare say. I like that Fashion Valet have pictures of models with different skin tones wearing each of the lip colours. They make it simple for us to determine if the shades suit our skin tone and for our liking. Kudos for that!

My second colour of choice is Red Hot Lorelai. Now as a mother, I kinda reference her, here and there. Definitely know the kind of things a mother is going through. This red is totally perfect. It has the perfect red in my opinion. The power red, to power on with daily life. 
A hint of orange with a slight blue undertone, but not too much that it will make it look more burgundy. Nope. Perfect all year round, Red. Reminded me of Season 1 Lorelai.

So Let's talk:

The box is a waste of paper. Such a huge box for a small item. Other than than, I am happy and impressed with the product packaging, especially the rose gold lid on the lip cream tube.

It comes with a doe foot applicator which makes it really easy to apply and to be precise.

I love the texture, reminds me of Colour Pop's consistency. Smooth and more liquid than a cream. Therefore, it has a smooth finish. I find Shy Rory may need a second coat as it is not as opaque as Red Hot Lorelai. It is comfortable, non-drying and doesn't crack my lips (However, I do still use a lip balm, wipe the balm off and then apply the lip cream)

Lasting power
It doesn't last as long as a Colour Pop's. About 3 hours max, before it starts wearing off.
Definitely not transfer proof, as it leaves a stain on my coffee mug.
 But it doesn't leave an obvious smudge after after eating.

Overall, I like it. Will definitely keep wearing them, and of course touch-up required.
I will leave you to that lovelies.



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